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Case Study 5 (2)

Case Study 5 (2)

Q Chapter 13, "Applications: Evaluating Staffing Process Results": answer questions 1–4. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday. Evaluating Staffing Process Results The Keepon Trucking Company (KTC) is a manufacturer of custom-built trucks. It does not manufacture any particular truck lines, styles, or models. Rather, it builds trucks to customers’ specifications; these trucks are used for specialty purposes such as snow removal, log hauling, and military cargo hauling. One year ago, KTC received a new, large order that would take three years to complete and required the external hiring of 100 new assemblers. To staff this particular job, the HR department manager of nonexempt employment hurriedly developed and implemented a special staffing process for filling these new vacancies. Applicants were recruited from three sources: newspaper ads, employee referrals, and a local employment agency. All applicants generated by these methods were subjected to a common selection and decision-making process. All offer receivers were given the same terms and conditions in their job offer letters and were told there was no room for any negotiation. All vacancies were eventually filled. After the first year of the contract, the manager of nonexempt employment, Dexter Williams, decided to pull together some data to determine how well the staffing process for the assembler jobs had worked. Since he had not originally planned on doing any evaluation, Dexter was able to retrieve only the following data to help him with his evaluation: 1. page 683Determine the yield ratios (offer receivers / applicants, new hires / applicants), elapsed time or cycle times (days to offer, days to start), and retention rates associated with each recruitment source. 2. What is the relative effectiveness of the three sources in terms of yield ratios, cycle times, and retention rates? 3. What are some possible reasons for the fact that the three sources differ in their relative effectiveness? 4. What would you recommend Dexter do differently in the future to improve his evaluation of the staffing process? Each case study and other written assignments must be submitted as one MS Word attachment Professor’s recommendations/reminders: 1. Prior to beginning this assignment, please explore the “Case Study Instructions” link above. 2. Please review again the “Professor’s Improvement Suggestions” document available for download in the “Syllabus and Assignment Instructions” area of the Course Content. Reading and following the “Case Studies” section of this document will help you achieve full credit on the case studies. 3. Any calculations explained in this case study should be typed in the same narrative prose as the rest of the paper. Including calculations in the paper must not result in extra white space or otherwise result in a paper that is less than three full pages of typed analysis and discussion. Continue to provide a title page, references page, and cite your references throughout the narrative. 4. You must submit one MS Word attachment containing a title page, at least three complete pages of original analysis and discussion, and a references page (a minimum of one current, scholarly reference published in or after 2013). • Correct use of the APA format for in-text citations and the references list is required for all BUSI 643 assignments. • One inch margins on all four sides, and 12 point Times New Roman fonts on all pages – title page, narrative, and references list. • Good tips on how to cite in-text and list references are available in the Professor’s Improvement Suggestions document. 5. Do not add extra spaces between lines, do not add extra white space at the top or bottom of pages, and do not use margins greater than one-inch. Doing so will result in a short paper and a significant grading reduction. 6. Submitting 2.9 pages of typed narrative or less will result in a significant grading reduction. The required title page and required references page do not count toward the minimum page count. 7. The case study must have a title page (title of paper, student’s name, course number and name, and the date submitted) and an APA-formatted references list. 8. Graduate-level analysis and discussion of case study scenarios requires good narrative prose. As such, please do not submit bulleted or numbered statements in case studies. 9. Use tables and figures sparingly; if these are used they must be captioned correctly in the APA format and do not count toward the three-page minimum of typed narrative. 10. The APA format requires that you insert in-text citations at the correct places in the narrative each and every time someone else influenced your work and when you use the ideas, statistics, terms or information of others.

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There are specific number of days which might be required to ensure that job offers are made through the implementation of the staffing process of the organization. The average of the total number of days is known as the measure of the days-to-offer (Heneman, Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2015). There are specific number of days which might be required to ensure that the staffing process is begun and then continued eventually till the staffing process gets converted into the starting of the jobs of the newly hired candidates.